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The difference between Amanita Muscaria tincture and extract.

The difference between a tincture and an extract lies in the therapeutic result you want to achieve. The tincture is easier and cheaper to produce comparing to the extract. During the preparation of Amanita Muscaria tincture alcohol is used as a solvent. A tincture of fresh Amanita Muscaria mushroom is made with a 1:1 ratio. It is a good antinociceptive agent for pain in the joints and spine. Used only externally.

Fresh Amanita Muscaria

Dried mushroom tincture, on the other hand, is made with a large amounts of alcohol. The dilution ratio is approximately 1:10,1:8,1:6. Dried mushroom tinctures can be both used internally and externally. Tinctures can be made at home in any quantity without special equipment. 

Dried Amanita Muscaria

However the concentration volumes of the active substance in such tinctures is quite small. Additionally the percentage of the main active substance of muscimol and neurotoxic ibotenic acid is not determined. Another important aspect to consider is that alcohol, which is used to make tinctures, is a poor solvent for muscimol. Muscimol as a chemical substance dissolves poorly in alcohol, but in water it dissolves much better. This property must be taken into account when making a tincture or extract.

Alcohol based tinctures

The extract higher concentration of active substances, which cannot be obtained in tincture. Extract preparation process uses various solvents and technologies to extract useful substances. This is a complex process, since the extraction process requires special knowledge and equipment. In the result of extraction, the concentration of active substances can be significantly higher than in an easy-to-make tincture.

Laboratory equipment

Extracts can be liquid, soft (like resin) and dry. Like tinctures, extracts can be evaluated by the content of dry active substances. Standardized extracts, unlike basic extracts, are extracts in which one or more active ingredients are produced in a fixed amount, expressed as a percentage. This model is used in the pharmaceutical industry, where all sold batches contain a certain amount of active substance. The advantage of standardized extracts is that they provide a specific dose and potency that remains the same across all the items within a batch of a product.

Liquid extracts

We have developed a new technology for obtaining a standardized water based extract of Amanita Muscaria. Our extract is produced without the use of ethanol and high temperatures. The extract obtained using this technology preserves the maximum amount of useful substances, polysaccharides and vitamins. The amount of muscimol and other substances is standardized due to precise analysis in a special laboratory using efficient methods of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Technology and quality control that we use for drying raw material and for extraction completely eliminates ibotenic acid from the final product. Ibotenic acid undergoes a complete decarboxylation process, which also allows us to detect and eliminate dangerous concentrations of other substances. 

Calm Mushroom Standardized Water-Based Extract

As a result, we offer a completely new product on the market – a natural standardized water based extract of Amanita Muscaria with a high concentration of bio-active substances, which allows you to control the applied therapeutic dose.

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TGA Laboratory analysis for Calm Mushroom Resin Extract

Sample No63 concentrate

Visual description

Dense, easily deformable, non-sticky, specific odor, slightly oily

DSC– differential scanning calorimetry (change in heat flow with temperature)

This % defining analysis was previously used, but with increasing concentration the method is too sensitive, which is illustrated by many peaks at 140 ° C.

Therefore, TGA (thermogravimetric method) will hence be used, in which the change in mass of the material was determined. Compared to the previous method, the material was not damaged but converted to melted state by determining the melting point, but the TGA method is a material destruction method, thus the material gets damaged. Each substance has its own temperature at which the structure collapses or, more precisely, becomes not functional, making it possible to determine the mass fraction of each substance in the material from the total mass that was initially introduced.

TGA: After 1st derivative (1 / min) the amount of substances present in 5-7 components can be seen.

The question here is, have you used any additives, or is there a possibility of any substance entering the press? Given that the largest amount in the composition should be muscimol, the largest peak appears from 536.97 ° C to 695.08 ° C, and using the law of mass loss, we can calculate each component (see Table 1), but the device offers the possibility to determine immediately in this range how much weight is lost, which is the loss of muscimol, respectively (8.5%). The temperature of destruction is not mentioned anywhere in the scientific literature, so an actual hypothesis has been put forward here, to the exclusion of other variants. The TGA method has a limited ability to determine the destruction temperatures of the other components because there is no theoretical information that can overlap.


CHEMICAL NAME:5- (Aminomethyl) -3 (2H) -isoxazolone
ALTERNATE CHEMICAL NAMES:5- (aminomethyl) -3-isoxazolol, 5-aminomethyl-3-hydroxyisaxazole
ALTERNATE CHEMICAL NAMES:3-hydroxy-5-aminomethylisoxazole; agarin, pantherine
MELTING POINT175 ° (crystals) (DSC)
DESTRUCTION TEMPERATURE600 ° C (Information obtained by us)

Given the possible presence of ibotenic acid in the DSC data (see Figure 3), its assumption may be negligible if the correct acquisition conditions were observed.

Ibotenic acid

NAME:Ibotenic Acid
CHEMICAL NAME:alpha-Amino-2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-5-iso-xazoleacetic acid
ALTERNATE CHEMICAL NAMES:alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-isoxazoleacetic acid
ALTERNATE CHEMICAL NAMES:amino- (3-hydroxy-5-isoxazolyl) acetic acid
MELTING POINT151-152 ° (anhydrous crystals)
MELTING POINT144-146 ° (monohydrate crystals)
DSC peaks characterizing the possible presence of ibotenic acid and muscasone. Range 139.70 – 157.16 ° C, peak 153 ° C


CHEMICAL NAME:alpha-Amino-2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-5-oxazoleacetic acid
ALTERNATE CHEMICAL NAMES:alpha-amino-2-oxo-4-oxazoline-5-acetic acid

As such, there are many different other substances in mushrooms that qualify as nutrients: vitamins A; B1B2; C; D1, PP. Mushrooms also contain minerals: potassium, phosphorus, iron; trace elements: zinc, copper, magnesium, iodine. Mushrooms are also rich in extracts. Of course, in the case of fly agaric, it is worth mentioning the pigment that gives red color. This means that both valuable substances and muscimol are ingested at the same time when consuming such a product.

Conclusion: Muscimol content 8.5% in a specific sample No63 concentrate.


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Combating hangxiety

Ever had a rough day after drinking too much the night before, wondering why do you feel so bad?

Well, from scientific perspective it all revolves around GABA – an inhibitory neurotransmitter. GABA stands for gamma-aminobutyric acid and according to scientists it can be the key to understanding the negative effects of alcohol on mental wellbeing – feelings of stress, fear and even panic or the so called hangxiety. 

Our bodies have multiple systems cooperating to defend us from harmful substances and GABA is one of the key elements in doing that. GABA alongside with another neurotransmitter glutamate help with communication between different systems in our bodies.

Chemical structure of Gamma-aminobutyric acid

GABA’s main purpose is in regulating body’s nervous system. It is the system that regulates our balance, movement, thoughts, senses and other important functions. Therefore body functionality can be impacted by nervous system being underactive or hyperactive. This can lead to neurotransmitters to treat ordinary situation as dangerous, thus leading to stress and anxiety.

That’s where GABA comes in – by regulating neurotransmitter of the body GABA decreases anxiety levels alongside with various other mental health issues. Here the success lies in having enough neurotransmitters to make the nervous system properly react to different stimuli. However in case of overzealous alcohol induction GABA glutamate isn’t able to function properly, resulting in possible hangxiety after a night of proper partying.

Human nervous system

When we drink alcohol the production of GABA neurotransmitter is hindered. Scientific studies claim that excessive alcohol consumption can cause both shortterm and longterm symptoms by depleting GABA production. This effect on neurotransmitters can result in significant damage to physical and mental health.

Speaking in general, most of us had a first-hand experience of alcohol affecting on our bodies. By suppressing the central nervous system, alcohol leads to the loss of motor skills, impedes speech and vision, impairs judgment. 

Turns out alcohol is not only really good at exterminating important cells in our bodies that cater to our alertness and health, but also reduces production of GABA. And having a GABA withdrawal is not a pleasant thing, since it can lead to intrusive thoughts, constant worries, and other unpleasantries of mental health symptoms. Moreover, GABA decrease in the brain can make existing mental health issues even worse and cause substance use relapses.

You can increase GABA transmission and rebalance neurotransmitters with muscimol, since muscimol is is a powerful GABA agonist.

Muscimol chemical structure

Moreover it has also been scientifically claimed that muscimol significantly improves sleep-wake state changes in alcohol withdrawal, reducing the percentage of active wakefulness and increasing the percentage of REM sleep.

Another beneficial effect of muscimol is protecting liver from ethanol toxicity and improving liver function.

Our Calm Mushroom products contain muscimol as the main active ingredient thus helping you successfully combat hagxiety and other harmful effects caused by alcohol usage.

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Calm Mushroom extract – the scientific approach

Our Calm Mushroom Amanita Muscaria Standardized Water-Based Extract contains a standard content of active substances. The extensive research we’ve done into Amanita Muscaria helped us perfect the extract creation process. During the process all the useful polysaccharides and substances are freed from chitin and stored in the extract, while the temperature during dehydration and extraction does not exceed 40° C, ensuring the high quality of the end product.

Calm Mushroom extract

To obtain 10 grams of fly agaric resin extract, 50 grams of dried mushrooms are used.  To obtain 50 grams of dried mushrooms, at least 600 grams of high-quality fresh fly agaric caps (1:12) are used.  Therefore, to obtain 1 gram of fly agaric resin, 60 grams of fresh mushrooms are needed.  But the problem is that mushrooms differ in the content of active substances. This depends on the place of collection, dehydration technology, storage time and many other factors. The weight of the mushroom is important, but it is most important to obtain a standard content of active substances in the extract.  The main substance in the body of the fungus is chitin. It is useless for our body. We use a special technology to extract useful substances into purified water. The main substance is muscimol.  Important polysaccharides and vitamins are also preserved in the extract, because the cooking temperature does not exceed 40°C. 

Amanita Muscaria mushrooms

Quality of Calm Mushroom extract is proven by the analysis made in the scientific laboratory of Latvian University using the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) method. Analysis showed that our Amanita Muscaria extract contains high % of muscimol – 14.5% to be specific and 0% harmful neurotoxic ibotenic acid, making it 100% ibotenic acid free.

Ibotenic Acid chemical structure

By conducting multiple extraction experiments and performing dozens of analysis in the laboratory of the University, we became confident in the quality and content of the main active substance in our product – muscimol.  

Muscimol chemical structure

The research was conducted with the help of scientists, chemists, doctors and pharmacists from Europe and Canada. As a result, a technology for the industrial production of a standardized water extract of Amanita Muscaria – Calm Mushroom Standardized Water-Based Extract was created.  

In essence Calm Mushroom Extract is made of 10% Amanita Muscaria resin dissolved in vegetable glycerin and water. Because of muscimol, its main active ingredient, the resulting product has various therapeutic effects.

When applied to the skin it relieves pain, while a few drops under the tongue held for 1-2 minutes are enough to relieve anxiety. The extract also relieves hangxiety in 3-5 min and helps with insomnia. 

Apart form being ibotenic acid free Calm Mushroom Standardized Water-Based Extract also does not contain alcohol, since it is purely water based extract. Moreover our extract has a standard content of muscimol and is made entirely from natural plant substances.