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Calm Mushroom extract – the scientific approach

Our Calm Mushroom Amanita Muscaria Standardized Water-Based Extract contains a standard content of active substances. The extensive research we’ve done into Amanita Muscaria helped us perfect the extract creation process. During the process all the useful polysaccharides and substances are freed from chitin and stored in the extract, while the temperature during dehydration and extraction does not exceed 40° C, ensuring the high quality of the end product.

Calm Mushroom extract

To obtain 10 grams of fly agaric resin extract, 50 grams of dried mushrooms are used.  To obtain 50 grams of dried mushrooms, at least 600 grams of high-quality fresh fly agaric caps (1:12) are used.  Therefore, to obtain 1 gram of fly agaric resin, 60 grams of fresh mushrooms are needed.  But the problem is that mushrooms differ in the content of active substances. This depends on the place of collection, dehydration technology, storage time and many other factors. The weight of the mushroom is important, but it is most important to obtain a standard content of active substances in the extract.  The main substance in the body of the fungus is chitin. It is useless for our body. We use a special technology to extract useful substances into purified water. The main substance is muscimol.  Important polysaccharides and vitamins are also preserved in the extract, because the cooking temperature does not exceed 40°C. 

Amanita Muscaria mushrooms

Quality of Calm Mushroom extract is proven by the analysis made in the scientific laboratory of Latvian University using the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) method. Analysis showed that our Amanita Muscaria extract contains high % of muscimol – 14.5% to be specific and 0% harmful neurotoxic ibotenic acid, making it 100% ibotenic acid free.

Ibotenic Acid chemical structure

By conducting multiple extraction experiments and performing dozens of analysis in the laboratory of the University, we became confident in the quality and content of the main active substance in our product – muscimol.  

Muscimol chemical structure

The research was conducted with the help of scientists, chemists, doctors and pharmacists from Europe and Canada. As a result, a technology for the industrial production of a standardized water extract of Amanita Muscaria – Calm Mushroom Standardized Water-Based Extract was created.  

In essence Calm Mushroom Extract is made of 10% Amanita Muscaria resin dissolved in vegetable glycerin and water. Because of muscimol, its main active ingredient, the resulting product has various therapeutic effects.

When applied to the skin it relieves pain, while a few drops under the tongue held for 1-2 minutes are enough to relieve anxiety. The extract also relieves hangxiety in 3-5 min and helps with insomnia. 

Apart form being ibotenic acid free Calm Mushroom Standardized Water-Based Extract also does not contain alcohol, since it is purely water based extract. Moreover our extract has a standard content of muscimol and is made entirely from natural plant substances.

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The story behind Calm Mushroom

Calm Mushroom is a family company from Latvia. 

We have been collecting and preparing wild medicinal Amanita Muscaria mushrooms for years and we are very passionate of the magnificent Amanita Muscaria mushroom. 

Amanita Muscaria

The mushrooms that are used in our products are collected locally in Latvian forests.

Forests in Latvia take 53% of the country’s territory – that’s almost double the world average, making Latvia one of the most forested EU member states.

Green and lush forests of Latvia are great for recreation and connecting with nature. Latvians have rich tradition of forest hiking, picking mushrooms and berries and we at Calm Mushroom are proud to be part of this tradition.

Beautiful Latvian forest

Years of experience helped us accumulate a great deal of knowledge about Amanita Muscaria therapeutic properties and science behind it.

It is known that the amount of nutrients in mushrooms varies depending on the time of year, region, weather conditions, processing technology, storage and other factors. 

All these factors impact mushroom quality, therefore we impose a strict product control to ensure that our product quality is at the highest level.