Calm Mushroom is a family company from Latvia.
We have been collecting and preparing wild medicinal Amanita Muscaria mushrooms for years and we are very passionate of the magnificent Amanita Muscaria mushroom.

The mushrooms that are used in our products are collected locally in Latvian forests.
Forests in Latvia take 53% of the country’s territory – that’s almost double the world average, making Latvia one of the most forested EU member states.
Green and lush forests of Latvia are great for recreation and connecting with nature. Latvians have rich tradition of forest hiking, picking mushrooms and berries and we at Calm Mushroom are proud to be part of this tradition.

Years of experience helped us accumulate a great deal of knowledge about Amanita Muscaria therapeutic properties and science behind it.
It is known that the amount of nutrients in mushrooms varies depending on the time of year, region, weather conditions, processing technology, storage and other factors.
All these factors impact mushroom quality, therefore we impose a strict product control to ensure that our product quality is at the highest level.